In a little less than a month, my husband and I, along with our team members, Kristi and Kandi, and our two drivers, Betsy and Kalon (Kristi and Kandi’s mom and brother), will embark on our journey to Virginia where we will begin our 208 mile race through the Blue Ridge Mountains. We will be starting at 8:30 a.m., Friday, September 5 and we must be finished by 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 6.
Until then we are training, training, and training some more. Even though we all have our own strategies to get ready for such an event, our schedules intersect a few times each week. Jason and I go to the local high school track on Mondays and Wednesdays to get in some speed work, and Kristi and I tackle Cecil Ashburn, a local road that goes over the mountains, on Thursdays.
Attempting to get that late-night-run experience, Jason and I ran the EvaBank 5k Midnight Run this past Friday night, both winning 1st place in our age groups. I haven’t won 1st place since middle school (when I was the only runner in the age group), and while it felt great to run the fastest 5k I’ve ever run, I still heard a whisper in the back of my mind reminding me it was only 3 miles. In less than a month, I would have to run 50 of those in a day and a half…
And I can’t help but wonder, am I ready?
I’ve run 15 marathons and some of them were relatively close together. But I don’t have anything in my history as a runner to compare to this kind of mileage. And so while some days I feel strong and sure, other days I am filled with doubt and apprehension about the race ahead.
Still, I can’t help but be excited. We have a GREAT team and I believe that no matter how hard it is or how tired we feel, we will finish this race. The route will be beautiful, the experience will be new and challenging, there will be good friends present and the prayers of those far away following us mile after mile, hour after hour.
As crazy as it may be, I’m looking forward to it!
- Jane Tortoise
Great post, Friend! And YES, I have no doubt it will be a great experience! It's a new kind of challenge for all of us, but I know we can do it! I can't wait!
Ok... maybe I should have included my name in my comment above, since I posted as "anonymous"! Sorry... here's my signature!
Your fellow Tortoise,
Good luck Kristi and the rest of the running gang! I am quite impressed that you are going to do this. I am looking forward to your updates.
Ya'll are amazing! Of course you can do it. I can't wait to follow you guys on the blog :)
I'm just one of the drivers, and I am SUPER excited! I am so very grateful to get to be a part of something so neat and wonderful! Thanks for the opportunity to share in your upcoming masterful accomplishment! Betsy
I am not even going but I am super excited!! I wish I could be in on the craziness but I will be thinking about you all weekend. And I know without a doubt you guys are going to do awesome and have so much fun!!! This will be such a huge accomplishment and something you will never forget. Thanks for putting this webpage up to keep us all updated.
I am so excited and I KNOW you all will make a wonderful team and have a wonderful time and complete this amazing feat. I will be thinking of you and praying for you the whole way. I love you, Mom
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