The infamous "Mountain Goat Hard" leg; 6.5 miles of relentless climb, from 2800 feet to 4200 feet. Coming off of all the official and unofficial running I'd done thus far (plus another 3.5 miles with Kristi), my goal was simply to run this leg strong. Taking the terrain into account, I accomplished this goal, with a 53-minute leg, or 8:09/mile pace. I passed only one girl (who was walking), because apparently the macho thing to do is to make sure that your strongest runner gets this leg. When I reached the top (46.5 miles of total running later), I was totally spent, but managed one more ragged Popsicle picture before changing clothes and deciding that I had run my last steps of the day.
So overall, 46.5 miles unofficially, 35 miles officially, in a total of 235 official minutes, or an average mile pace of 6:44. This is faster than marathon pace for me by 7 seconds per mile, and considering the terrain and conditions (particularly no sleep for 27+ hours straight, also a personal record), this is far better than I had hoped. I'm satisfied that I did everything I could to help our team do the best that we possibly can. Can't wait to see Eric finish; I'm off to the finish line now!
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